Status and Validation

When you’re young and naive, you’d be tempted to pursue things you think would elevate your status. Your desire is irresistible since you wanted to impress your family and peers. All you want is get their validation. Without their validation, you are nothing. That’s why it’s common to see a young adult (early 20s) doing … Continue Reading →


The Beautiful Side

Last 2020, I wrote about my frustrations when we moved into a new house — reorganizing stuff, balancing work and creative projects, building a routine, etc. If you’ve read it, you know my frustration. And it’s happening again. Last month, we moved into a new house. This one is huge, which means more organizing to … Continue Reading →


Focus, Energy, and Time

For some people, maybe it’s important for them to focus on recording that album or selling that product. Or maybe it’s important for them to focus on what’s happening in their country’s politics, a celebrity’s life, or a favorite artist. If you’re wondering why you’re not moving in the direction you intend to be, ask … Continue Reading →


Look, That’s Me

Social media has made us stalkers. It’s now easy to know what others are doing. The obvious downside is you can’t help but compare. Those you see doing greater things can make you feel envious. You feel bad for being small and not successful. Keep doing that and you’ll end up anxious — of course, … Continue Reading →


Doing the Opposite: A Greener Pasture or Danger

If you’re always looking for motivation, that means you don’t really want to do whatever you’re about to do. But you have to do it anyway because other people depend on you. Sometimes it works. Sometimes you can’t tell. Yet you have to do it anyway. But what if you’re sick and tired of it? … Continue Reading →


Don’t Live in the Dark

Any negative emotion and thought, if not channeled appropriately, could lead you into the dark. This dark place is where negativity, irrational fears, worries, and all the demons lurk. Too much stress and overthinking will lead you there. The more you spend time in that place, the more you become a coward — because it … Continue Reading →


Important vs Unimportant

Most people know what’s important and what’s not. It’s simple. Unimportant things are things that don’t really matter. A waste of time. Why waste time if you know life is short? But that’s not the real problem. The real problem is we still keep wasting time on things that are unimportant, though we all agree … Continue Reading →


Zero to Ten is Enough

I finally got back to running/jogging last week — thanks to coach Mandy Keene. Even better my younger brother visited. So we did it together. I can say that having a companion helps. More fun and exciting. We even played basketball afterward as we both felt the momentum. This morning, I did it again. I … Continue Reading →


How to Avoid Drama (the not so obvious way)

Decide what thing you really want to focus on. Just one thing. Make it your mission. Commit to becoming really good at it. A master. An expert. A world-class performer. Do it every single day, whatever happens. Regardless of your situation, you will find time to work on it. You must focus. Have tunnel vision. … Continue Reading →


Are You Taking Things For Granted?

What are you doing with your free time? With your extra money? With your computer, your smartphone? What are you doing with everything you have that others don’t? If you have a computer and stable Internet, try blogging or podcasting about your interest. Educate yourself using YouTube, online courses, and e-books. You can do almost … Continue Reading →


What Do You Worship?

When the thing we worship consumes us and blinds us from seeing reality, that’s not a good place. Worship a beautiful body, you’ll always feel ugly. Worship money and material possessions, you’ll never have enough. Worship power, you’ll never feel powerful. Worship fame, you’ll never feel famous. What actually happens is that our brains trick … Continue Reading →


Starting Point

It can be tempting to make excuses why you can’t achieve that crazy dream. There are so many things to blame. Your country. Your parents. Your community. Your physical inadequacy. And on and on. Now you’re losing hope — or maybe not. Maybe you’re just researching. Asking questions. Seeking answers. Or maybe just waiting for … Continue Reading →


It’s Just a Target

All these “live a good life” philosophies or self-improvement practices are not meant to make us perfect individuals. They aren’t meant to make our lives perfect every single day. They are just a target to aim for. If you’re feeling bad or beating yourself up because of failing to hit your mark, you miss the … Continue Reading →