A world of distractions: phones, media, people’s drama, people’s demands, and so on.
Doomscrolling is now even a term.
Instead of focusing only on a few things that matter — few things within our control — we tend to know almost everything.
Useless information.
What’s crazy is we accept it — as if it’s normal.
Yes it’s now normal to get distracted all the time.
A focused mind on the other hand is super rare.
So if you can focus for a day, that’s already a win. Congratulations.
But if you can sustain that for days on end… that’s an advantage.
A superpower.
Don’t worry if you’re not like that yet. Because anyone can develop that superpower.
Anyone can become super focused.
I was about to share some tips when I realized I was adding more information to your mind. Another distraction.
Because whatever works for me or for a group of people doesn’t mean it will work for you, too.
You have to figure out what works for you. Decide for yourself. Don’t just follow others.
Once you truly understand and believe how super valuable focus is… you’ll know what to do next.