Why I Don’t Own a Smartphone

People often ask me about this. So here’s my answer.

First, let’s be clear: Nothing’s wrong with smartphones. I have nothing against them.

Truth is, I often borrow my wife’s smartphone to document our travels or do a quick Google search.

Other than that, my laptop and iPad handle all my digital activities — work, research, emails, writing, reading, self-education, social media, videos, and music (I don’t use my iPad for social media though).

And for communication, I use my basic cell phone. It’s simple. And it does its job well.

Yes. I know it’s helpful. Yet I refuse to own.

What’s the matter?

Here are the reasons:

  • I don’t want to be distracted all the time, for example, while walking or while spending time with someone — instead, I want to be fully present.
  • I don’t want my attention to be fragmented into different things and be consumed by what’s happening in the world.
  • And I don’t want to be connected online all the time, and waste time browsing irrelevant things that don’t really add value to my life.

In other words, I want to be intentional with how I use my time.

Again, smartphones have advantages — and I’ve experienced them in many ways.

The root of the problem lies in how people use it. Rather than using smartphones to better their lives, they use them to escape life.

They use smartphones too much, distracting themselves from the things that truly matter.

I know I’m being idealistic here, but you get the idea.

And if you’re reading this blog through your smartphone, thank you very much!

Here are some questions worth pondering:

  • How many hours do you use your smartphone for really important matters?
  • How many hours you could have been more present with what’s happening in front of you?
  • How many hours you could have saved time and used it for the things you truly love?

Time spent on irrelevant things is time lost for more important things.

If you can’t get rid of your phone, at least use it intentionally. Know its purpose. Set limitations.

And this goes for every device we own. We should learn to use it to better our lives and the people around us.

Control the device, otherwise, it will control us.

why I don't own a smartphone
Introducing my solid companion. Yes, I use my wife’s smartphone to capture this. Thank you!

P.S. Who knows in the future I’ll own one. We’ll see. 😀

Here’s an interesting thought: How about I start a “Smartphone for Rent” business?