My Happiness Formula

I didn’t invent this. But you can try.

Gratitude + Contentment + Acceptance

  • Gratitude: Grateful for everything I have. Grateful for the time I can spend with the people I love. Grateful for being alive and healthy and safe. Grateful I can still do things that give me joy. I can still be useful.
  • Contentment: Wherever I am in life, I’m content. Whatever I own, I’m content. I don’t need any external things to make me feel good and be at peace. I have everything I need.
  • Acceptance: Everything that’s happening in my life, either good or bad, is part of my existence. The good stuff is beneficial for my well-being. The bad stuff makes me wiser. I fully accept them.

If I do this every day (mostly before bedtime), I’m at peace. Desires vanish. Life is good.

Maybe this formula will change in the future. Or maybe it won’t. Or maybe my definition of happiness will change as I grow older.

We’ll see.

Here are my other thoughts on happiness: